Kbh K Salonen

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Started out this beautiful day with a preview of the new Kunstsalonen, which took place in the centre of Copenhagen. These neatly curated exhibitions, hold an idea that I’m totally crazy about; showcasing art in private homes. The location changes for every exhibit, and so does the Instagram name (need to talk to them about this!) and the art of course. All the art is for sale too, so it is like a low-key, straightforward gallery type exhibit. I was kindly invited by Mette Helena, one of the ladies behind Kunstsalonen. Together with artist Anne Aarsland, they curate these lovely homey art events.

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This time, Kunstsalonen took place in Lis Mcdonald’s home - a wonderful 250 m2 old apartment close by Kongens Nytorv. So not only do you wander around to digest all the wonderful pieces of art, you are also in someone else’s home. This means there are lots personal items and hidden stories, that just adds to the whole experience. The art exhibition showcases 30 different artists, and more than 100 pieces of art, divided up between the hall way, living rooms, dining room, the work space and the kitchen. Lis Mcdonald herself is an artist and her works were also part of this exhibition.

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Artist Mie Olise held a small talk about her work, methods and her fondness of materials. She has showcased her work in all the Kunstsalonerne and this time she had art works on the walls that she created on a residency in Italy, where she worked on old bed sheets.

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It is free of charge to go see the Kbh K Salon.

The opening is tomorrow Friday the 1st of March 16-19.​
Open Saturday and Sunday 2-3rd March as well, from 11-15.

Find out more here


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